Creative Professionals

Do you find yourself feeling stuck or dragging your feet, even on that project you were so excited about?

Are criticism and self-doubt constantly getting in your way?

Are you struggling to uphold your integrity or find well-being in the face of a toxic work environment?

Artists must confront the best and the worst of the human condition.

Individuals attracted to the arts are often highly sensitive. And many times, it is our own painful experiences that draw us to work that seeks to understand and describe the human condition. The very qualities that contribute to our strengths sometimes come at a cost, leaving us struggling to find equilibrium.

What’s more, the frequently cut-throat nature of such a competitive industry often creates an environment that is antithetical to creativity. And the stereotype of the tortured artist further impacts the way those in the arts view wellness (did you know that “passion” originally meant “suffering”?).

Artists are tasked with exposing themselves in intimate ways to earn their bread and butter. Emotional risks are often demanded by those who do not appropriately honor what they take.

Painful – But Not Destructive

Sure, the creative process can be painful – but it doesn’t have to be destructive. I can help you move from helplessness to empowerment as you contend with the unique challenges of the creative field, including:

  • Performance anxiety
  • Creative blocks
  • Work/life balance
  • Workplace harassment and abuse
  • Personal and professional boundaries

If you are a performing artist, I can also help you connect more deeply to your body, unlocking breath, posture, and emotional patterns that may impact your performance and helping you harness past painful experiences safely in your work.

Living Your Truth

It really is possible to live well while also living – and sharing – your truth. I’d be honored to help you find that balance.

Call me now at (323) 510-1221 for a free 20-minute consultation.